Electro-Opppator Medaloolt Mach-Zeh-Zehnder Laun Sthalator
Profaili ile-iṣẹ ROF

Awọn ọran

Ẹṣẹ Ohun elo

  • Aaye ibaraẹnisọrọ

    Aaye ibaraẹnisọrọ


    The development direction of high speed, large capacity and wide bandwidth of optical communication requires the high integration of photoelectric devices. Ibile ti Integration ni miatantization ti awọn ẹrọ fọtoyiya.

  • Ohun elo ti itanna elekitiro ......

    Ohun elo ti itanna elekitiro ......


    Eto naa nlo awọn igbi ina lati tataran alaye ohun. The laser generated by the laser becomes linearly polarized light after the polarizer, and then becomes circularly polarized light after the λ / 4 wave plate.

  • Pinpin bọtini Bọtini (Qkd)
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